Saif Ali Khan Attack: The police have arrested the accused who entered Saif Ali Khan’s house and attacked him with a knife on January 16. At present, the police investigating the case is interrogating the accused and during this time is also making new revelations. Now police investigation has revealed that Shariful Islam, who attacked Saif, had entered India with the help of an agent. For this he had also given money to the agent.
Saif’s attacker came to India after paying Rs 10,000
Let us tell you that the police investigation has revealed that the agent who helped Bangladeshi Shariful Islam, arrested in the case of attacking actor Saif Ali Khan, to come to India from Bangladesh, had collected Rs 10,000 from the accused in return. Sources have claimed that Shariful Islam came to India through Dawki river with the help of an agent by paying Rs 10,000. Not only this, the agent helped Shariful to reach Assam and then also boarded a bus to Kolkata.
The agent himself helped in getting the SIM card.
During interrogation, the accused also told that the agent had also helped him in getting the SIM card. After reaching Kolkata from Bangladesh, he stayed in Kolkata for three days and then reached Mumbai.
Police had recreated the crime scene
Amidst all this, the police had also recreated the crime scene with the accused at Saif’s house yesterday. During this, the accused told that the guards were sleeping at the gate and he had entered the building by climbing the wall. The accused told that all the ducts in the entire building were closed, whereas the backdoor of Saif Ali Khan’s house was open and he had entered the house with the intention of stealing. The accused also told that he did not know that this was Saif Ali Khan’s house. He got information about all this by watching morning news. At present the police is busy interrogating the accused.
Discharged from Saif Hospital
Yesterday, Saif Ali Khan also returned home after being discharged from the hospital. The actor had undergone spinal surgery after the knife attack. Currently the actor is better but doctors have advised him to take bed rest for a month. He is also forbidden from going to gym and shooting.